Our Team
Andras Koncz - Founder
After moving to Australia he founded his media company while also studying full time. Doing all of this at once he needed something to stay productive and motivated every single day. After implementing a neurogenesis supporting diet and lifestyle, he recruited a team and founded Neurogen Australia to help others do the same.
Dr Kaushik Ram PhD - Neuroscientist, Advisor
Ram completed his PhD in Neuroimaging genetics at the Department of Psychiatry, Westmead Hospital investigating neuroimaging biomarkers that are genetically upstream to cognitive processes and neuropsychiatric conditions.
Dr. Kaushik Ram's Nervous System program has won the 2018 TEDx Sydney Pitch in the Sydney Opera House. He has been featured in multi-award winning documentaries and his Precognition Method has been applied in Award Winning leadership programs.
Josh Lenz - Biochemist, Product Developer
Josh has always had a passion for health and fitness and has competed in various sports from a young age. Josh worked as a scientist specialising in biochemistry and immunology before directing his experience into business.